Customized therapeutic massage techniques to enhance relaxation, soothe tired aching muscles and relieve pain. Deep tissue massage, Sewdish massage, cupping massage, Reiki, Sound Healing

Now is the perfect time to take control of your food and know exactly where your produce is coming from. An easy way to garden that requires no land or green thumb. You can grow your own produce in 1/3 the time than traditional gardening, get 30% more yield, all while using 98% less water and 90%less space. It's also sustainable and great for the environment. You can grow your own herbs, fruits & veggies such as kale, cucumbers, different lettuces, tomatoes & strawberries. You can even grow edible and ornamental flowers. The list goes on.

No more wasting money throwing out produce because you didn’t eat it fast enough. Simply cut what you need when you need it. It is also a great way to get kids involved where their food comes from. Kids are more likely to try a vegetable if they grew it themselves!

 The Tower Garden, a vertical, aeroponic growing system that allows you to grow up to 20+ vegetables, herbs, fruits and flowers in less than three square feet—indoors or out. 


We are not vitamin deficient, we are whole food deficient

Make One Simple Change

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Click picture for clinical research information


Take care of your body. It's the only one you get.